The two 2014 NUTmobile vehicle models are retired as full-time tour vehicles. However, they are repurposed for other uses such as the INN A NUTshell bookable experience in October 2021.

A new NUTmobile is built and the 2011 model retires. The new vehicle has an updated look and feel with large windows to see the sunny blue skies from.

Two new 27-foot long NUTmobile vehicles are built, expanding the fleet to three. In true 21st century style, these two new NUTmobiles feature smart technology, GPS navigational systems and a customized interior.

PLANTERS® brand unveils a new biodiesel NUTmobile. It uses environmentally-conscious materials and harnesses the power of sunlight and wind.

Hot Rod
The MR. PEANUT® Hot Rod, a 25-foot-long peanut-shaped vehicle hit the road; PLANTERS® brand is named the official snack food of NASCAR. The NUTmobile propels MR. PEANUT® to more than 35 cities as he promotes PLANTERS® products at parades, festivals, retail outlets and NASCAR events.

First Car
The first peanut car is built and used by a PLANTERS® brand salesman.