A pecan to our day

What’s Crackin?! My name is Jessie and I am from Rochester Hills, Michigan. I graduated from the University of Northern Colorado with a degree in Musical Theatre and have been living in the Windy City for the past three years. My favorite part of being a Peanutter is the opportunity to see the entire country and bring smiles to people. I’m so excited!

Shell-o! My name is Ryan and I’m from Manhasset, NY. I recently graduated from Loyola Marymount University with a degree in Communication Studies and can’t wait to hit the salty streets! My favorite part of being a Peanutter is being able to visit states I’ve never been to before. I’m looking forward to meeting people from all over the country.

Shell-o! My name is Katie and I am from the Chicago area. I headed to the South for college and graduated from Texas State University with a degree in Public Relations. My favorite part about being a Peanutter is exploring new cities and spreading joy across the country.

Calling all Peanutters!
Recent college graduates are welcome to apply for a once-in-a-lifetime job opportunity chauffeuring MR. PEANUT® from coast-to-coast in the iconic NUTmobile. The Peanutter position is a full-time, paid, one-year job opportunity from June through May. Visit www.hormelfoods.com/careers in early January to learn more and apply!